Thursday, November 14, 2013

Fine arts Showcase for 6th & 7th Grade Art Students

Please join us in the Hines Theater for the sixth grade Fine Arts Presentation 
tomorrow November 15, during A7 (2:00-2:45).  

The seventh grade Fine Arts Presentation will be on Monday, 
November 18, during B6 (1:10-1:55).  

Students in the various Fine Arts rotation will be showcasing their artistic skills.
I look forward to seeing you there.

Elizabeth Zepeda.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Things to Know in ART

Elements of Art
 Line the path of a point, variety of line (straight, curved, diagonal, zigzag, etc.) and line quality (thick to thin)Shape is 2-Dimensional flat spaces defined by edges, can be free-form (organic) or geometric Color can be cool/warm, Primary/secondary/intermediate (tertiary) Value the lightness or darkness of a hueTexture (visual/implied and actual/tactile) Space can be positive/negative; also can show depth; foreground/middle ground/background Form  is 3-Dimensional and encloses Volume, can be free-form (organic) or geometric

Principles of Design

Movement occurs when the elements are used to show action or visually leads the viewer’s eye through a work of art.
Pattern the regular repetition of an element of art
Rhythm can be regular, alternating or progressive
Proportion refers to the size relationship of one part to the whole,
Scale is the size of something compared to the world in general
Balance radial, symmetrical, asymmetrical
 Emphasis creates a focal point, the center of interest
 Unity the quality of seeming whole and complete, looking right together 
Variety the combination of the art elements to provide interest in an artwork.


To the following 
St. Stephen's M.S. Art Students 
for having artwork on display at Jerry's Artarama

Bryn B.
Grayson M.

I am very proud of their accomplishment.
Ms. Zepeda